Hello everyone! I am sorry it has taken me so long to update my blog. I have been busy at my new job at the Doodle and with all the back to school "stuff". It seems like most every day and night are filled with something- work, grocery shopping, school functions, football games, Skype-ing Jessica, etc.
Not only do I love my job, I have been in a creating kinda mood. Since June I have made more than 20 layouts and projects and I have done more creating for myself than I have for about 6 years! FABU for me!
September is going to be a crazy busy month. I am heading to the MOA (Mall of America) next week for Scrapfest. Fun stuff going on there, classes and make and takes. Oh and I am in a MALL. Helllloooo, awesome. Then immediately following we are off to UWF for parents weekend. Than means lets take Jessica out shopping and make sure she is stocked up through Thanksgiving- LOL.
I hope this catches you up with my crazy life. I miss all of you and wish you would make a trip across the bay to visit. As a matter of fact, our friend Cheryl Mezzetti is teaching a class at the Doodle at the very end of this month. Sign ups just started today. I know Cheryl would love to see all her TSS and cruise friends. The Pumpkin/Fall book is wicked cute, I am taking class for my Oregon photos (October's big vacation). 727-827-4911 is the Doodle's # to sign up. Cost is $32.00.